Retriever 120′ Rope, Dog Rescue Device

SKU: R120 Category:

Ice Rescue Systems introduces the Retriever 120' Rope, Buoy and Bag Pet Ice Rescue device. While there are many "dog snaring" devices on the market today, none will protect the rescuer better than the Retriever dog rescue device. Ice Rescue Systems believes that keeping the dog independent of the rescuer is safer for not only the rescuer but the dog as well, “The Retriever dog rescue device” is designed to do just that. We don't believe in putting our rescuer in harm's way. Meaning, we would rather the rescuers reach out and "snare" the dog, as opposed to getting in the water and lifting the dog out. Most dogs are in a vulnerable, stressed and highly unstable situation when trapped in the ice and water, which in turn makes them fearful of the rescuer. The retriever system offers rescuer protection and gentleness on the dog. The retriever comes complete with rope, bag and bone. For more information, download the Dog Rescue Device Product Sheet.


  • Hi-Visibility Line
  • Color-coded Blue and Yellow line strands
  • Buoyant line
  • Buoyant buoy
  • Pre-assembled "snare line-loop"
  • Rope bag included
  • Made in America


  • Line management
  • Buoyant buoy keeps the line from twisting
  • Color-coded to Tactical Reach Pole attachments

*NOTE - The Tactical Reach Pole is Sold Separately

Additional information

Weight 3 lbs
Dimensions 12 × 12 × 12 in

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