Over the Head Long Range Communication Headset

Mesh is a self-optimizing and self-healing network, always looking for the best connection and seeking a new one when a device disconnects.

Mesh is a self-optimizing and self-healing network, always looking for the best connection and seeking a new one when a device disconnects. Tufftalk M features two different Mesh modes: Open Mesh and Group Mesh. With Open Mesh, a near-unlimited number of users can connect to each other within an effective range of 1.1 km (0.7mi). For private sessions, Group Mesh supports up to 24 participants. You can also pair up to four Tufftalk M via Bluetooth Intercom.


  • 1 Over the head communication system
  • Color: Black

Additional information

Weight 3 lbs
Dimensions 10 × 10 × 10 in

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